Feng Shui Factors Causing Nightmares
Many people feel distressed as they often experience nightmares at night. Apart from personal habits, many factors are attributed to Feng Shui.
Here are some Feng Shui factors that may lead to recurring nightmares:
- The Bed Should Not Face the Door
In Feng Shui, if the bed directly faces the door, it can bring various unfavorable effects. According to Feng Shui principles, having the bed facing the door means that anyone passing by can see everything on the bed, affecting aesthetics, privacy, and adding to the negative energy in the bedroom, which can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental well-being and career.
- Avoid Bed Without Support
Ideally, the bed in a bedroom should have some form of support, such as against a wall or a sturdy wardrobe. Having a large empty space at the head of the bed is considered unfavorable in Feng Shui. If there’s no wall to lean on, placing a cabinet or table at the head of the bed can cleverly resolve this Feng Shui taboo.
- Avoid Placing the Bed Under Beams
It’s not advisable to place the head of the bed under horizontal beams or below lighting fixtures or hanging cabinets. Feng Shui considers beams above the bed as bad luck, causing discomfort and potentially leading to nightmares and mental stress due to the oppressive feeling.
- Proper Bed Placement
In Feng Shui, it’s recommended to position the bed in a north-south direction to align with the Earth’s magnetic field. Additionally, the bedside table should be higher than the bed to enhance sleep quality and bring good luck to the occupant.
- Placement of Wardrobes and Dressing Tables
Utilize space efficiently by placing wardrobes against walls, preferably on the east side, and position dressing tables near windows for natural light and good ventilation, enhancing the Feng Shui of the room.
- Avoid Converting Bathrooms into Bedrooms
Converting the main bathroom into a bedroom may compromise the health and sleep quality of the occupants due to the negative energy associated with the bathroom, leading to disturbed sleep and frequent nightmares.
- Avoid Bed Head Facing Large Windows
Having the bed head facing a large window is considered inauspicious in Feng Shui due to disrupted airflow and lack of proper support, potentially leading to poor sleep quality and nightmares.
- Large Windows or West-Facing Bed Heads
Large windows in the bedroom can scatter energy and disturb sleep, especially if the bed head faces west, affecting sleep negatively due to the influence of Western deities, causing disturbing dreams.
- Hanging Swords or Knives in the Bedroom
Hanging sharp objects like swords or knives in the bedroom is unsafe and can create a sense of insecurity, potentially leading to restless sleep and nightmares.
- Antique Collection in the Bedroom
Although antiques hold archaeological value, they may carry negative energy due to their history, leading to conflicts in the household’s energy field and disturbing dreams.
To resolve nightmares caused by Feng Shui issues, consider seeking guidance from Feng Shui masters to balance energies and protect against negative influences. Implementing Feng Shui remedies like Yin-Yang talismans and Eight Trigrams blessings can harmonize energy fields and promote peace and prosperity.
It’s advisable to avoid the mentioned Feng Shui practices to ensure better sleep quality and overall well-being.